Good Day, Due to Jeff Bezos support of Donald Trump, I will no longer be publishing my comics on Amazon. I…

Razorhawk Razorhawk Thumbnail

Illya King creates some fan-art of Razorhawk, RLSH….


Team Naked is a new person via, Aminata….

Mass Deletion turned on computer monitor displaying text

I cut some functions in the Comix Easel V.2 Plugin….

Comix Easel Update turned on computer monitor displaying text

The Comic Easel V.2 plugin fork has been modified and rebranded as Comix Easel V.2….

New Comic and News Lil Bunny Foo Foo

The Comix Scene will debut a new comic Lil Bunny Foo Foo. Plus, Mythos Imprint Publishing news….

Las Vencedoras Group

Will you join Team Naked in helping Las Vencedoras Group in Chinandega to pursue their dream?…

Comic Easel V.2

I’m working on a forked version of Comic Easel, by Frumph….

Sean Martin Sean Martin

Sean Martin, creator of Doc and Raider, passed away on August 3, 2020….

William Rail William Rail

William Rail is leaving Mythos for other opportunities….

Communism Comrade Communism

Comrade Communism, a Soviet Captain America….

Rating System 13+ – Teenagers

New Guidelines and Rating System for Mythos Imprint…

Jake Richmond Interview Jake Richmond with Modest Medusa

Jake Richmond is a Portland indie comic creator. Illya King sat down with Jake to discuss his projects….

Shinsuke Takahashi Rainbow NInja Logo

Shinsuke Takahashi is the first comic published through Mythos Imprint….